Our Publications

King R. Lentiginous Melanoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2011 Mar;135(3):337- 41.

Monheit G, Cognetta AB, Rabinovitz H, Gross K, Ferris L, Martini M, Grichnik J, Mihm M, Prieto V, Googe P, King R, Toledano A, Kabelev N, Wojton M, Gutkowicz-Krusin D. The performance of MelaFind: prospective mulit-center study. Arch Dermatol 2010Feb;147(2):188-94.

Patton, A, Page R, Googe PB, King R. Myxoid atypical fibroxanthoma: a previously undescribed variant. J Cutan Pathol 2009: 36: 1177-1184.

Page RN, Dittrich L, King R, Boulos F, Page DL. Syringomatous adenoma of the nipple occurring within a supernumerary breast: a case report. J Cutan Pathol. 2009 Nov;36(11):1206-9.

Wang WL, Patel KU, Coleman NM, Smith-Zagone MJ, Ivan D, Reed JA,López-Terrada D, Lazar AJ, Prieto VG. COL1A1:PDGFB Chimeric Transcripts Are Not Present in Indeterminate Fibrohistiocytic Lesions of the Skin. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 Nov 13

Kolomeyevskaya NV, Tanyi JL, Coleman NM, Beasley AD, Miller HJ, Anderson ML. Balloon tamponade of hemorrhage after uterine curettage for gestational trophoblastic disease. Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Feb;113(2 Pt 2):557-60.

Naheed R. Abbasi; Molly Yancovitz; Dina Gutkowicz-Krusin; Katherine S. Panageas; Martin C. Mihm; Paul Goo ge; Roy King; Victor Prieto; Iman Osman; Robert J. Friedman; Darrell S. Rigel; Alfred W. Kopf; David Polsky. Utility of Lesion Diameter in the Clinical Diagnosis of Cutaneous Melanoma Arch Dermatol, Apr 2008; 144: 469 – 474.

Nosrati N, Coleman NM, Hsu S. Axillary syringomas.  Dermatol Online J. 2008 Apr 15;14(4):13.

Nosrati N, Maender J, Coleman N, Mawad J, Hsu S. Asymptomatic plaque on the face. Primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin. Arch Dermatol. 2008 Oct;144(10):1383-8.

Liu A, Maender JL, Coleman N, Hsu S, Rosen T Actinomycetoma with negative culture: a therapeutic challenge. Dermatol Online J. 2008 Apr 15;14(4):5.

Tanyi JL, Coleman NM, Johnston ND, Ayensu-Coker L, Rajkovic A. Placenta percreta at 7th week of pregnancy in a woman with previous caesarean section. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2008 Apr;28(3):338-40.

Modi GM, Maender JL, Coleman N, Hsu S. Tinea corporis masquerading as subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Dermatol Online J. 2008 Apr 15;14(4):8.

Robert J. Friedman; Dina Gutkowicz-Krusin; Michele J. Farber; Melanie Warycha; Lori Schneider-Kels; Nicole Papastathis; Martin C. Mihm Jr; Paul Googe; Roy King; Victor G. Prieto; Alfred W. Kopf; David Polsky; Harold Rabinovitz; Margaret Oliviero; Armand Cognetta; Darrell S. Rigel; Ashfaq Marghoob; Jason Rivers; Robert Johr; Jane M. Grant-Kels; Hensin Tsao The Diagnostic Performance of Expert Dermoscopists vs a Computer-Vision System on Small-Diameter Melanomas Arch Dermatol, Apr 2008; 144: 476 – 482.

Gill RM, Coleman NM, Hunt JS. Differential cellular expression of LIGHT and its receptors in early gestation human placentas. J Reprod Immunol. June 2007; 74(1-2):1-6.

Page RN, Hanggi MC, King R, Googe PB. Multiple microcystic adnexal carcinomas: a case report. Cutis 79: 299-303, 2007.

Walters RF, Groben PA, Busam K, Millikan RC, Rabinovitz H, Cognetta A, Mihm MC Jr, Prieto VG, Googe PB, King R, Moore DT, Woosley J, Thomas NE. Consumption of the epidermis: a criterion in the differential diagnosis of melanoma and dysplastic nevus that is associated with increasing Breslow depth and ulceration. Am J Dermatopathol 29(6): 527-533, 2007.

King R, Lyons J, Meyers AL, Googe PB, Page RN, Gupta VK. Primary invasive melanoma and basal cell carcinoma (collision tumor) with blue nevus-like cutaneous metastases. J Cutan Pathol 34: 629-633, 2007.

Coleman NM, Smith-Zagone MJ, Tanyi J, Anderson ML, Coleman RL, Dyson SW, Reed JA. Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the vagina with Merkel cell carcinoma phenotype. Am J Surg Pathol. March 2006; 30(3):405-10

Page RN King R Googe PB Human Herpesvirus 8 in Skin Disease: An Immunoperoxidase Annalysis. J Histotechnology. Vol 28 no. 2. June 2005.

Page RN King R Googe PB Human Herpesvirus 8 in Skin Disease: An Immunoperoxidase Annalysis. J Cutan Pathol. 2004 Jan;31(1):119.

King R Googe PB Page RN Mihm MC Melanocytic Lesions Associated with Dermatofibromas: A Spectrum of Lesions Ranging from Lentigenous Nevus to Melanoma In Situ. J Cutan Pathol. 2004 Jan;31(1):111.

Page RN, King R, Mihm MC, Googe PB. Microphthalmia transcription factor and NKI/C3 expression in cellular neurothekeoma. Mod Pathol. 2004 Feb;17(2):230-4.

Wilkerson A, King R, Googe PB, Page RN, Fulk CS. Sweet’s syndrome-like blastomycosis. Am J Dermatopathol. 2003 Apr;25(2):152-4.

King R, Page RN, Googe PB. Desmoplastic seborrheic keratosis. Am J Dermatopathol. 2003 Jun;25(3):210-4.

Hwang LY, Guill CK, Page RN, Hsu S. Acquired progressive lymphangioma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Nov;49(5 Suppl):S250-1

Page RN King R Googe PB Tissue Microarray in Melanoma J Histotech. 2003 Dec; 26(4): 271-3.

Krathen RA, Iyengar V, Page RN, Hsu S. Stevens-Johnson syndrome associated with leflunomide. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;46(4)

Koay JL, Ledbetter LS, Page RN, Hsu S.Asymptomatic annular plaque of the chin: desmoplastic trichoepithelioma.Arch Dermatol. 2002 Aug;138(8):1091-6.

Chilukuri S, Page R, Reed JA, Friedman J, Orengo I.Ectopic extramammary Paget’s disease arising on the cheek.Dermatol Surg. 2002 May;28(5):430-3.

Shappell SB, Keeney DS, Zhang J, Page R, Olson SJ, Brash AR.15-Lipoxygenase-2 expression in benign and neoplastic sebaceous glands and other cutaneous adnexa.J Invest Dermatol. 2001 Jul;117(1):36-43.

King R, Peterson AC, Peterson KC, Mihm MC Jr, Fisher DE, Goog e PB. Microphthalmia transcription factor expression in cutaneous mast cell disease. Am J Dermatopathol 24(3): 282-284, 2002.

King R, Duncan L, Shupp D, et al. Post surgical dermal lymphedema clinically mimicking inflammatory breast carcinoma. Arch Dermatol 137(7): 969-70, 2001.

King R, et al. Herpes virus infection of seborrheic keratoses. Am J Dermatopathol 23(2): 146-8, 2001.

King R, Googe PB, Weilbaecher K, Mihm M, Fisher D. Microphthalmia transcription factor expression in cutaneous benign and malignant melanocytic and non-melanocytic tumors. Am J Surg Pathol 25(1): 51-57, 2001.

King R, et al. Lentiginous malignant melanoma: a radial growth phase melanoma to be distinguished from junctional nevus and dysplastic nevus. J Cutan Pathol 28(10), 572, 2001.

King R., et al. Palmoplantar bony papule. J Cutan Pathol 28(10), 568, 2001.